Friday, November 2, 2012

The Seventh Seal

            In the movie, The Seventh Seal, the characters are used to represent different experiences and points of view in life. While watching this film, I was able to determine that the experiences most intriguing to me were those felt and represented by three characters, in particular, Jof, his wife Mia, and their son, Mikael. I believe that these three characters represent positivity and the experience of a new beginning. In this blog post, I will describe the behavior of these characters discuss why I believe this.
            In the beginning of the film, after the main character, Anotonius Block, makes a deal with the Devil to extend his life, Block and his counterpart, Jons, pass this family of three on their way to Block’s estate. Their jovial demeaners give the viewers a feeling of hope. Having just received an extra amount of time to fulfill his desires in life, Block and his new fate directly correspond to the introduction of these characters. In my opinion, these things correspond, not only because of their attitudes, but also because of Jof’s vision that morning. He sees what he believes to be the Mother Mary teaching Baby Jesus to walk in the field. This image shows new life learning to take its first steps, much like Block got a new chance to learn something in his life, “his first steps,” so to speak.
            The second instance during which Mia, Jof and Mikael represent hope and new life, is later in the film when Block and Jons join them for strawberries and milk. Right before this, Jof and Mia’s performance had been interrupted by flagellants and then Jof had been blamed and beaten up for a woman’s disappearance. Regardless of these occurrences, the couple still had the heart to share their only food with strangers, which is how they represent hope during this scene. During the meal, Mia describes her life. She says that everyday is similar to next and expresses her gratitude for the spring. Her reference to this season is another reminder that these characters represent new life.
            The third instance is at the end of the film. The scene has made a transition from the face a girl who is accepting death to a girl who is accepting life. The Devil has just left the Knights estate where he took the lives of Antonius Block and his then present company. The first face we see is the face of a girl from this company. Her last words are those of Jesus Christ, “It is finished.” The second face we see is the face of Mia. She is looking up into the bright sky with wide eyes. She is rejoicing the new day. As one life is finished, another day begins, and life continues. The little family’s perseverance is a reminder that everyday is new and we all must keep going.
            In conclusion, Jof, Mia, and Mikael’s presence in The Seventh Seal provides a feeling of refreshing renewal, one necessary for a film set in a rather dreary time. Jof’s visions about life and their kindness and appreciation for change within life are highlighted as significant points in the story. Their perspectives held my attention and also held true to the life versus death theme in the film.

Psycho; Bethan Parmenter
Alfred Hitchcock’s movie Psycho was one that shocked audiences everywhere and changed the meaning of Hollywood’s “horror” movies. This movie pushes several limits of cinematography that had yet to pushed. From revealing more skin than had been previously seen before, in the shower seen to scenes in which a character was shown in her underwear this movie was considered to be more on the racy side. As for the terror factor accompanying this movie for the 1960’s this was the scariest, most terrifying movie to be put in theatres. Compared to modern day slasher and murder movies it would not be considered all that scary due to the fact that there are only a few instances in which audiences are startled but the study of paranoia and fear and how it makes people react is why Psycho is considered to be such an epic scary movie.
            Another thing that made this movie so famous is the twist and turns in the plot line; viewers begin to consider Marion the heroine or main character until she is murdered approximately 40 minutes into the movie leaving viewers to now wonder who will be the focal point of this movie. While some parts now seem predictable when this movie first came out it kept audiences firmly glued to the screens wondering what was going to happen next.